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What is Natural Fragrance Oil?

From the Natural Fragrance Wholesaler:

Natural Fragrance FAQ

Fragrance oils supply the world with wonderful scents that natural essential oils do not; scents such as coconut and pineapple (which make a great pina colada fragrance when combined). Unfortunately, there are fruits that have amazing, immediately recognizable fragrances that simply are not available in pure unadulterated essential oils. For example; strawberry, blueberry, mango, papaya, & pear are all scents we are often asked for but weren’t able to offer because we only carried pure essential oils.

Why do we call them Aroma Delights? Frankly, we don’t care for the term fragrance oils. Generally, fragrance oils are assumed to be highly synthetic and not very desirable in natural cosmetic formulations due to their synthetic nature. However, Essential Aroma Delights are indeed fragrances meaning they last longer as a perfume than most essential oils can and they are natural!

The concept behind Perfumery is amazing and frankly rather mind blowing. Perfumers spend years in apprenticeship, talking about amber notes, floral accords, musk-receptor agonists and molecular binding affinities of floral-receptor proteins. What does this all mean? Well, we’re not perfumers, so we turn to those experts who are and we have not been disappointed by their talent and skill.

Essential Aroma Delights are fractions or isolated molecules from natural materials and essential oils. The term “isolates” usually refers to aromatic chemicals derived from natural products. You can see isolates on many ingredient lists these days in the form of “linalool, “citral” & “geraniol”. Isolates are specific materials fractionated from natural substances. Technically in one sense of the word, essential oils, oleoresins, tinctures and solid extracts obtained from botanical materials are all isolates. Generally, the isolates are obtained from the essential oils since the essential oil is a concentrated product compared to the botanical and would be rich in materials. The most frequently used method for obtaining isolates from essential oils uses molecular distillation, Co2 extraction, fractionation & rectification.

How can a perfumer create a scent that essential oils won’t provide us, yet they use essential oils? Well, an essential oil consists of numerous aromatic molecules which can be isolated by fractional distillation. These isolates– or fractions, from different essential oils can then be recombined to create a blend. Perfumers keep their blends proprietary and do not provide information on which natural isolates have been included in their blends or from what oils the isolates have been distilled. One thing we do know is that they are pleasing and true to their stated scent. The Blueberry smells like a blueberry! And none of our human test subjects (volunteers of course) are getting welts, headaches or any other frustrating allergic reactions that we’ve seen with synthetic fragrance oils.